You can give us a call, send us an email or complete the contact form below with your enquiry. Please read our privacy notice at the bottom of the page.
01798 342222
General Data Protection Regulations require us to obtain your consent to process (e.g. collect, store, retrieve) your personal data.
You have a right to withdraw your consent at any time unless processing your data is necessary in the performance of a contract (1) or there is a legal obligation that requires us to process it (2). All you have to do is email Andy Beadsley, our Director, at and inform us that your consent has been withdrawn. If conditions (1) and (2) do not apply to your data then we will remove all of it from our records.
Generally, the data we collect comprises your contact details – name, postal address, telephone/mobile numbers, email address. This data is provided to us by you along with details of your enquiry about Wheelyboats and the work of the Trust. Your data enables us to reply to your enquiry and follow up from time to time with additional information pertaining to it.
Your data will be processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner. It will be collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and processed in a manner compatible with those purposes. The data will be adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which it is processed. It will be accurate, kept up to date and erased or rectified without delay. We will not retain your data for longer than is necessary. We will implement technical measures to keep it secure. We will not disclose your data to a third party without your prior consent.
For a full explanation of how we process your personal data please read our Privacy Policy.